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Reza Gooran:

Fadjr Theater Festival is captive by the repeated view of referees

He believes that, this festival needs new view from elderlies and cooperation with talented young people in this case for judgement.
He added: Unfortunately in judging part we are dealth with repeated views and in all these years all of the performances are judged with the special look that it is not pleased.
Gooran continued: There is no necessity that we see elderlies among referees all the years but the young ones should be used in this case in order to add their looks in this area. In fact the festival needs the participation of elderlies for criticizing the theaters that we won’t see the same routines all the time.
The director of the play -The night sings its own songs- referring to the effects of the festival in our country added: presenting fadjr festival sure has its own positive effects and can make a way for talented and active adults in in this case to be known more.
Reza Gooran: Fajr festival Theater is captived by the repeated views of referees.
He believes that, this festival needs new view from elderlies and cooperation with talented young people in this case for judgement.
He added: Unfortunately, in judging part we are dealt with repeated views and in all these years all of the performances are judged with the special look that it is not pleased.
Gooran continued: There is no necessity that we see elderlies among referees all the years but the young ones should be used in this case in  order to add their looks in this area. In fact the festival needs the participation of elderlies for criticizing the theaters that we won’t see the same routines all the time.
The director of the play -The night sings its own songs - referring to the effects of the festival in our country added: presenting fajr festival sure has its own positive effects and can make a way for talented and active adults in in this case to be known more.

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