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The Student section juries of the 42nd Fadjr Theater Festival

The Student section juries of the 42nd Fadjr Theater Festival

Iran Theater- The members of 2024 student section‘s jury introduces.

Esmaeel Najjar, Ebrahim Poshtkoohi, Ramtin Shahbazi, Bahram Jalalipour and Ali HajMolla –Ali are the jurors who will be bestowing awards at this year’s Fadjr International Theater Festival.

Esmaeel Najjar is a researcher, translator and playwright who graduated with a PhD in dramatic literature from the Ohio University in America and is an assistant professor in the dramatic literature department of Tarbiat Modares University.


 A well-known writer and stage director Ebrahim Poshtkoohi has directed some acclaimed theaters like "Hamlet Poshtkoohi", "Like water for chocolate" and….His latest show , "Macbeth Zar" had went to stage at the Avignon Festival and GITIS International Institute of Russia , Saint Petersburg Festival as well as other festivals in Armenia, Azerbaijan and India. It won the best director, best music and best costume design awards from the 2023 FITF and the Grand Prize of the Baghdad International Festival.


Author of  "Inquiry in Film Sociology", "Semiotics of Theater Culture", "Pahlavi Literature" , Ramtin Shahbazi  got Ph.D. in Philosophy of art and  is a lecturer of interdisciplinary studies of performing arts, writer, critic and researcher of cinema and theater.

Bahram Jalalipour got a Ph.D in French language and literature with a orientation to theater from the University of Paris. He is  a writer, critic, consultant in cultural and artistic affairs and a member of the faculty of  Art, Tehran University .  He wrote some books as "Dramatic Criticism of Child and Adolescent Plays", "Theatre Discourse", "Rhythology of Mythological and Heroic Tales of the Shahnameh".

Ali Haj Mollaali, PhD in Art Research from Tarbiat Modares University, is a translator, lecturer, and theater director and author of some books.

The student section of the 42nd FITF will be held with the participation and cooperation of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.