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Nations' Theater - International Theater Competition



The five protagonists are to meet and confront each other, questioning the role of books in their daily life, in a big lounge where a huge library stands.



Writers, Directors and Choreographers: Fouad Kouchy, Michael Auduberteau

Cast: Fouad Kouchy, Michael Auduberteau, Jamel Feraouche, Farid Afifi

Sound Technician: Rudy Torres

Light Technician: Mathieu Pelletier

Tour Manager: Viviane Bonnier

Duration: 55 Min.


Pyramid Group

The Pyramid Company was formed in 1999. Performing show: “Cellules” (2001 International Encounters in Urban Dances of La Villette), “We Are Not Cliches!” (2008), “Construction” (2009, Audience award at the Dance Competition of Synodales and the third jury award), “El Mouima”, “Ballet Bar”… .

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