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Nations' Theater


Nations' Theater



Twilight is the threshold between day and night, when shadows lengthen and darkness looms. From the light we move into darkness, beauty is eroded, we face the transience of it all. The images of electrical shocks, light impressions, switching on and off, of shadows shifting, of the ferocious explosion of water, of falling end plunging.



Concept & Directors: Cristina Galbiati, Ilija Luginbuehl

Dramaturge: Simona Gonella

Lighting Designer: Paolo Solcia

Original Landscape: Luis Fernandez Diaz

Collaboration in the Deveopment of the concept: Joke Laureyns, Kwint Manshoven

Graphic: Studio CCRZ

Duration: 50 Min.


Cristina Galbiati

Born in 1973, Italy. Director and Actress. Bachelor in physical Theater from Scoula Teatro Dimitri, Switzerland. Short term course of Koodiyattam (traditional Sanskrit drama) in India. Co-artistic director of Trickster-p. Member of the executive board of HOT DOGS Swiss Theater festival for young audiences. Writer and Realisation of: “Sights”, “B”,… . Director of: “Like a Pray”, “Life:Warnings and instructions for use”, “The shop of forgotten memories” and “h.g” (The best foreigner performance in Premio Eolo festival at Italy).


Ilija Luginbuhl

Born in 1977, Switzerland. Director and Actor. Bachelor in physical Theater from Scoula Teatro Dimitri, Switzerland. Short term course of Koodiyattam (traditional Sanskrit drama) in India. Co-founder  and co-artistic director of Trickster-p multidisciplinary art project. Writer and Realisation of “Sights”, “B”,… . Director of: “Like a Pray”, “Life:Warnings and instructions for use”, “The shop of forgotten memories”.