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Narges Yazdi: We must build a bridge between research and performance

Narges Yazdi: We must build a bridge between research and performance

Iran Theater- the manager of the research section of the 42nd Fadjr International Theater Festival, Narges Yazdi said that when we can create an ideal event that a bridge between research and performance is built.

This section has received special attention from the festival officials in recent years and efforts are being made to select the best researches to present to theater artists and art lovers and to support and enrich Iranian theater.

Regarding the subject of the 2024 research section, Yazdi said: "The main topic was about theater festivals, especially the Fadjr International Theater Festival and the comparative study of this event with other festivals."

She continued: "Based on the issues raised in order to present researches, nearly 80 applicants registered to participate, and finally 50 abstracts were sent to the secretariat. 18 works were selected in the first stage; Among these, 16 researches reached us in full form and finally 3 works were introduced to be presented in the festival."

She explained about the innovative ideas section: "In this section, ideas on how to hold the Fadjr Theater Festival in the coming years were supposed to be presented. 9 ideas were sent to the secretariat, but none of them were selected by the selection board. "

The 2024 FITF is underway in Tehran until January 31, 2024.