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Fadjr: "Romeo B Juliet" Wins 2024 Faragir Sidebar

Iran Theater- Marzieh Alizadeh’s" Horn" received special mention while Nesa Samavati’s "Romeo B Juliet" won the jury’s best Theater prize.

With the presence of the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, the closing ceremony of Faragir competition was held in the City Theater of Tehran.


The closing ceremony was held with the welcome of stage artists and officials: Esrafil Farajollahi (the CEO of the Dramatic arts association), Mehdi Hamed –Saghaian: Society needs artists with disabilities

Mehdi Hamed –Saghaian (the artistic director of Fadjr Theater Festival), Ali -Mohammad Qadri (Deputy Minister and Head of Welfare Organization), Mahmoud Salari(Art affair deputy of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance ), and Kazem Nazari(the Director General of Dramatic Arts Center and ITI President of Iran).


The Minister of Culture pointed out the reception of disabled artists in the Fadjr Faragir Section and some shortcomings and shortcomings of Halls to host these artists.

 "The lack of adaptation of halls for disabled artists also causes us discomfort, and I promise that for the next year when the adaptation is done, we will hold the festival".


He added: "In all the projects under construction, adaptations will be made for disabled artists. You are talented artists, the apples of our eyes. I hope to watch your artistic works in the future."


The head of the Iran Welfare Organization said that this is the first time in the history of FITF that the artists with disabilities had an opportunity to perform their works.

Then the jurors bestowed the prize. "Romeo B Juliet" from Khomenini shar , "Kol" by Mustafa Mohammadi from Farsan and "Tral Setajusal" by Kazem Arjomandnia from Bushehr won the best plays awards and will be introduced at the closing ceremony of the 42nd  Fadjr International Theater Festival.





Mohammad Mehdi Esmaeili: Our slogan is cultural justice

Mohammad Mehdi Esmaeili: Our slogan is cultural justice

Iran Theater-The 42nd Fadjr International Theater Festival wrapped up successfully on February 1, 2024 in Vahdat Hall. At the beginning of the ceremony the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance , Mohammad Mehdi Esmaeili, went on stage and while congratulating Ten-Day Fajr ceremonies and the the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the Rajab, month, he thanked the artists and theater officials.


Theater promotes cultural Diplomacy

Theater promotes cultural Diplomacy

Iran Theater- One of the most important efforts of Dramatic Arts Center of Iran is to consider the theater as a powerful tool to promote cultural diplomacy, which is done with performance, education and research.


Kamran Shahlaei on “A Few Messy Narratives”

Kamran Shahlaei on “A Few Messy Narratives”

Iran Theater- Kamran Shahlaei’s"A Few Messy Narratives", is performing at Fadjr stage Competition. He says that the play is about loneliness and has three episodes. The cast includes one male actor and three female actors.


Hossein Mosafer Astaneh on "Resurrection of Love"

Hossein Mosafer Astaneh on "Resurrection of Love"

Iran Theater- The musical show "Resurrection of Love" is at out of competition section of the 42nd Fadjr International Theater Festival. Hossein Mosafer Astaneh said the story begins with the scene of Rumi's dying, but he comes back to life.
